Sunday, June 2, 2013


Crazy Aunt Angel is going on a diet in preparation for possible lap-band surgery.  I'm going the high protein/low carb route with a heavy lean toward fresh produce.  I'm going to start putting up some recipes that I've tried with pictures of my finished product.  I'm researching low carb versions of holiday treats too!  Keep a watch and see how it goes.

There are some criteria as I look for recipes that I can alter, or just good ones that I can use right off the page.  So if you plan on borrowing some of these from my blog (or my pinterest page), know these things.


1.  It has to (mostly) contain things I'd have around the house anyway.  No complicated ingredients.  I have to caveat that the ingredients are normal - to someone on a high protein/low carb diet.  Protein powder, Splenda (or other substitutes), etc. are being considered normal here.

2.  It has to be easy to make.  I have two kids and don't have time for 37 step recipes that dirty up half my pots, pans, and appliances.

3.  They have to be nutritionally sound.  That means that they have to fit into my diet.  I'll try to post nutritional information if I can.

4.  It has to be a verified and tested recipe AND it has to taste good!  That means that I won't post a recipe til I try it, and the picture will be of MY finished product.  No mystery recipes or things I wish to make.

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